Our Approach
Our approach to working with children and families follows the standards of quality and developmentally appropriate practices set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Luthercare for Kids exists to support each child in fulfilling their potential in all developmental domains including emotional, social, physical, language, critical thinking and creativity. We provide age appropriate experiences that promote growth and learning so children effectively transition from one stage of development into the next, while also establishing a foundation that will promote life long success.
In our programs we view each child as having unique strengths and learning styles. Teachers work with children individually or in small groups, building upon current strengths while gradually helping them expand into new areas of growth. We design activities to help children gain a strong self-concept while learning to identify positively with each of their individual differences. The core of the curriculum focuses on guiding children with positive techniques, modeling respect and compassion for others, and helping children learn to contribute positively to their classroom community.
We view learning as an interactive process between children, adults and materials, with the teacher carrying out the primary role of facilitator. Teachers carefully observe children and then design and implement plans based on what we know about the individuals in the classroom as well as early childhood research and child development theory. Choices in the environment reflect the diverse abilities and interests of the group. We encourage children to select from learning centers that meet educational standards outlined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Teachers adjust the pace of learning to reflect what individual children need by taking cues from the children and encourage in-depth time frames for meaningful exploration of topics and skills.
Teachers partner with families to provide consistent routines and care between home and our programs. Prior to enrollment and at regularly occurring periods throughout a child’s time at our programs, teachers will invite families to share information, review a child’s progress and assist in setting goals for their child. We view parental input and involvement as essential to providing services that maximize learning and developmental outcomes for children.