Our Philosophy

We believe the care and education of young children is the foundation of every community’s success. We know how important quality early learning is to a child’s future and have made a commitment to make access to high quality programming a reality for more children through a comprehensive approach that includes providing center based care and family supports as well as training and supporting home-based child care providers.
Within our programs we are committed to programming that supports every child in fulfilling their potential through intentionally planned environments, curricula and relationships with peers and caring adults. We regard parents and guardians as a child’s first teacher, respecting their unique strengths and knowledge about their child or children within the home and neighborhood context. We partner with families to draw upon their expertise in designing programming to meet the individual needs of children, while working to extend a family’s knowledge about their child or children in an increasingly broader social context. We work to not only provide care for children but to create an extended family model—offering support and resources to promote personal and professional success of the family.
High quality teaching is the key to every child’s success. Luthercare for Kids is invested in creating desirable places for teachers to continue learning and to grow professionally regardless of their teaching status or length of service in the field of early childhood. We provide varied and on-going opportunities for the professional development of our team members and work to serve the larger community by creating a model of quality care that other agencies may draw upon to improve their quality of programming. Luthercare for Kids welcomes the opportunity to host tours, work study assignments, volunteer placements and practicum experiences for students in related fields of study. We seek opportunities to partner with other agencies to conserve public and private resources, while promoting the delivery of child and family related services to the communities we serve.